References (137)

Title Year Authors Journal Status External references Biological Associations
Purification and characterization of the MUC1 mucin-type glycoprotein, epitectin, from human urine: structures of the major oligosaccharide alditols. 1998 Bhavanandan V, Zhu Q, Yamakami K, Dilulio N, Nair S, Capon C, Lemoine J, Fournet B Glycoconj J Reviewed
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Structural analysis of the oligosaccharide-alditols released by reductive beta-elimination from oviducal mucins of Rana temporaria. 1997 Maes E, Florea D, Delplace F, Lemoine J, Plancke Y, Strecker G Glycoconj J Reviewed
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Primary structure of O-linked carbohydrate chains in the cellulosome of different Clostridium thermocellum strains. 1991 Gerwig G, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J, Morag E, Lamed R, Bayer E Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Neutral oligosaccharides of bovine submaxillary mucin. A combined mass spectrometry and 1H-NMR study. 1992 Chai W, Hounsell E, Cashmore G, Rosankiewicz J, Bauer C, Feeney J, Feizi T, Lawson A Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Novel oligosaccharide constituents of the cellulase complex of Bacteroides cellulosolvens. 1992 Gerwig G, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J, Morag E, Lamed R, Bayer E Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Sugar sequences of allergenically active oligosaccharide alcohols isolated from a large-molecular-size sea squirt antigen termed H-antigen. 1989 Ohta M, Shigeta S, Ono K, Takao T, Shimonishi Y, Oka S Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Sulphated mucin oligosaccharides from porcine small intestine analysed by four-sector tandem mass spectrometry. 1996 Karlsson N, Karlsson H, Hansson G J Mass Spectrom Reviewed
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Immunochemical studies on blood groups. Immunochemical properties of B-active and non-B-active blood group substances from horse gastric mucosae and the relative size distributions of oligosaccharides liberated by base-borohydride. 1976 Newman W, Kabat E Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Structure determination of oligosaccharides isolated from A+, H+ and A-H- hog-submaxillary-gland mucin glycoproteins, by 360-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy, permethylation analysis and mass spectrometry. 1981 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Haverkamp J, Veldink G, Vliegenthart J, Fournet B, Ricart G, Montreuil J, Gathmann W, Aminoff D Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Characterization of the oligosaccharide alditols from ovarian cyst mucin glycoproteins of blood group A using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high field 1H NMR spectroscopy. 1986 Dua VK, Rao BN, Wu SS, Dube VE, Bush CA J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Carbohydrate structures of bovine submaxillary mucin. 1986 Tsuji T, Osawa T Carbohydr Res Reviewed
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Insect immunity. The inducible antibacterial peptide diptericin carries two O-glycans necessary for biological activity. 1995 Bulet P, Hegy G, Lambert J, van Dorsselaer A, Hoffmann J, Hetru C Biochemistry Reviewed
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Structure of the O-linked oligosaccharides from a major thyroid cell surface glycoprotein. 1997 Edge A, Spiro R Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Structural variations of O-linked oligosaccharides present in leukosialin isolated from erythroid, myeloid, and T-lymphoid cell lines. 1986 Carlsson S, Sasaki H, Fukuda M J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Structural analysis of oligosaccharide-alditols released by reductive beta-elimination from the jelly coats of the anuran Bufo arenarum. 1998 Morelle W, Cabada M, Strecker G Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Assignment of O-glycan attachment sites to the hinge-like regions of human lysosomal membrane glycoproteins lamp-1 and lamp-2. 1993 Carlsson S, Lycksell P, Fukuda M Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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The glycosylation of rat intestinal Muc2 mucin varies between rat strains and the small and large intestine. A study of O-linked oligosaccharides by a mass spectrometric approach. 1997 Karlsson N, Herrmann A, Karlsson H, Johansson M, Carlstedt I, Hansson G J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Human low-molecular-weight salivary mucin expresses the sialyl lewisx determinant and has L-selectin ligand activity. 1998 Prakobphol A, Thomsson K, Hansson G, Rosen S, Singer M, Phillips N, Medzihradszky K, Burlingame A, Leffler H, Fisher S Biochemistry Reviewed
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O-linked oligosaccharides from human serum immunoglobulin A1. 1989 Field M, Dwek R, Edge C, Rademacher T Biochem Soc Trans Reviewed
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The combination of normal-phase and reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography with NMR for the isolation and characterization of oligosaccharide alditols from ovarian cyst mucins. 1984 Dua V, Dube V, Bush C Biochim Biophys Acta Reviewed
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Structural studies on the O-glycosidically linked carbohydrate chains of glucoamylase G1 from Aspergillus niger. 1984 Gunnarsson A, Svensson B, Nilsson B, Svensson S Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Glycosylation analysis and protein structure determination of murine fetal antigen 1 (mFA1)--the circulating gene product of the delta-like protein (dlk), preadipocyte factor 1 (Pref-1) and stromal-cell-derived protein 1 (SCP-1) cDNAs. 1997 Krogh T, Bachmann E, Teisner B, Skjdt K, Hjrup P Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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O-linked neutral sugar chains of porcine zona pellucida glycoproteins. 1993 Hirano T, Takasaki S, Hedrick J, Wardrip N, Amano J, Kobata A Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Reduction of O-linked N-acetylglucosamine-modified assembly protein-3 in Alzheimer's disease. 1998 Yao P, Coleman P J Neurosci Reviewed
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Primary structure and function of novel O-glycosylated hirudins from the leech Hirudinaria manillensis. 1992 Steiner V, Knecht R, Brnsen K, Gassmann E, Stone S, Raschdorf F, Schlaeppi J, Maschler R Biochemistry Reviewed
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Showing 1 to 25 of 137 entries