References (137)

Title Year Authors Journal Status External references Biological Associations
Site-specific O-glycosylation analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein produced in insect and human cells 2021 Ieva Bagdonaite, Andrew J. Thompson, Xiaoning Wang, Max Søgaard, Cyrielle Fougeroux, Martin Frank, Jolene K. Diedrich, John R. Yates 3rd, Ali Salanti, Sergey Y. Vakhrushev, James C. Paulson, Hans H. Wandall Viruses Reviewed
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Altered sialylation of CD45 in HIV-1-infected T lymphocytes. 1994 Lefebvre J, Giordanengo V, Doglio A, Cagnon L, Breittmayer J, Peyron J, Lesimple J Virology Reviewed
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Extensive Crosstalk Between O-GlcNAcylation and Phosphorylation Regulates Cytokinesis 2010 Zihao Wang, Namrata D Udeshi, Chad Slawson, Philip D Compton, Kaoru Sakabe, Win D Cheung, Jeffrey Shabanowitz, Donald F Hunt, Gerald W Hart Sci Signal Reviewed
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Electron Transfer Dissociation (ETD): The Mass Spectrometric Breakthrough Essential for O-GlcNAc Protein Site Assignments-A Study of the O-GlcNAcylated Protein Host Cell Factor C1 2013 Samuel A Myers, Salima Daou, El Bachir Affar, Al Burlingame Proteomics Reviewed
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Characterization of a posttranslational fucosylation in the growth factor domain of urinary plasminogen activator. 1991 Buko A, Kentzer E, Petros A, Menon G, Zuiderweg E, Sarin V Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Intrinsic membrane glycoproteins with cytosol-oriented sugars in the endoplasmic reticulum. 1988 Abeijon C, Hirschberg C Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Virion basic phosphoprotein from human cytomegalovirus contains O-linked N-acetylglucosamine. 1988 Benko D, Haltiwanger R, Hart G, Gibson W Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Nuclear pore complex contains a family of glycoproteins that includes p62: glycosylation through a previously unidentified cellular pathway. 1987 Davis L, Blobel G Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Lymphocyte activation induces rapid changes in nuclear and cytoplasmic glycoproteins. 1991 Kearse KP, Hart GW Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Loss of p53 Enhances Catalytic Activity of IKKbeta Through O-linked beta-N-acetyl Glucosamine Modification 2009 Keiko Kawauchi, Keigo Araki, Kei Tobiume, Nobuyuki Tanaka Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Determination of site-specific glycan heterogeneity on glycoproteins 2012 Kolarich D1, Jensen PH, Altmann F, Packer NH. Nat Protoc Reviewed
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Community evaluation of glycoproteomics informatics solutions reveals high-performance search strategies for serum glycopeptide analysis 2021 Rebeca Kawahara, Anastasia Chernykh, Kathirvel Alagesan, Marshall Bern, Weiqian Cao, Robert J. Chalkley, Kai Cheng, Matthew S. Choo, Nathan Edwards, Radoslav Goldman, Marcus Hoffmann, Yingwei Hu, Yifan Huang, Jin Young Kim, Doron Kletter, Benoit Liquet, Mingqi Liu, Yehia Mechref, Bo Meng, Sriram Neelamegham, Terry Nguyen-Khuong, Jonas Nilsson, Adam Pap, Gun Wook Park, Benjamin L. Parker, Cassandra L. Pegg, Josef M. Penninger, Toan K. Phung, Markus Pioch, Erdmann Rapp, Enes Sakalli, Miloslav Sanda, Benjamin L. Schulz, Nichollas E. Scott, Georgy Sofronov, Johannes Stadlmann, Sergey Y. Vakhrushev, Christina M. Woo, Hung-Yi Wu, Pengyuan Yang, Wantao Ying, Hui Zhang, Yong Zhang, Jingfu Zhao, Joseph Zaia, Stuart M. Haslam, Giuseppe Palmisano, Jong Shin Yoo, Göran Larson, Kai-Hooi Khoo, Katalin F. Medzihradszky, Daniel Kolarich, Nicolle H. Packer, Morten Thaysen-Andersen Nat Methods Reviewed
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The O-glycomap of lubricin, a novel mucin responsible for joint lubrication, identified by site-specific glycopeptide analysis 2014 Ali L, Flowers SA, Jin C, Bennet EP, Ekwall AK, Karlsson NG Mol Cell Proteomics Reviewed
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Human urinary glycoproteomics; attachment site specific analysis of N- and O-linked glycosylations by CID and ECD 2012 Halim A, Nilsson J, Rüetschi U, Hesse C, Larson G Mol Cell Proteomics Reviewed
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Affinity enrichment and characterization of mucin core-1 type glycopeptides from bovine serum 2009 Darula Z, Medzihradszky KF. Mol Cell Proteomics Reviewed
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Identification of O-GlcNAc sites within peptides of the Tau protein and their impact on phosphorylation 2011 Caroline Smet-Nocca, Malgorzata Broncel, Jean-Michel Wieruszeski, Caroline Tokarski, Xavier Hanoulle, Arnaud Leroy, Isabelle Landrieu, Christian Rolando, Guy Lippens, Christian P R Hackenberger Mol Biosyst Unreviewed
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Identification, characterisation and genomic cloning of a O-linked N-acetylglucosamine-containing cytoplasmic Leishmania glycoprotein. 1993 Handman E, Barnett L, Osborn A, Goding J, Murray P Mol Biochem Parasitol Reviewed
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O beta-(N-acetyl-alpha-glucosamine-1-phosphoryl)serine in proteinase I from Dictyostelium discoideum. 1984 Gustafson G, Gander J Methods Enzymol Reviewed
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Relative accessibility of N-acetylglucosamine in trimers of the adenovirus types 2 and 5 fiber proteins. 1990 Mullis K, Haltiwanger R, Hart G, Marchase R, Engler J J Virol Reviewed
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Site-specific glycosylation of the human cytomegalovirus tegument basic phosphoprotein (UL32) at serine 921 and serine 952. 1994 Greis K, Gibson W, Hart G J Virol Reviewed
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Occurrence of O-linked Xyl-GlcNAc and Xyl-Glc disaccharides in trocarin, a factor Xa homolog from snake venom 2003 Joseph JS, Valiyavettil M, Gowda DC, Kini RM J Thromb Haemost Reviewed
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Identification of N-linked glycosylation and putative O-fucosylation, C-mannosylation sites in plasma derived ADAMTS13 2014 Sorvillo N, Kaijen PH, Matsumoto M, Fujimura Y, van der Zwaan C, Verbij FC, Pos W, Fijnheer R, Voorberg J, Meijer AB J Thromb Haemost Reviewed
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Comprehensive N- and O-glycosylation mapping of human coagulation factor V. 2020 Ma C, Liu D, Li D, Zhang J, Xu XQ, Zhu H, Wan XF, Miao CH, Konkle BA, Onigman P, Xiao W, Li L J Thromb Haemost Reviewed
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Quantitative Longitudinal Inventory of the N-Glycoproteome of Human Milk from a Single Donor Reveals the Highly Variable Repertoire and Dynamic Site-Specific Changes 2020 Jing Zhu, Yu-Hsien Lin, Kelly A Dingess, Marko Mank, Bernd Stahl, Albert J R Heck J Proteome Res Reviewed
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Naturally Occurring Structural Isomers in Serum IgA1 O-Glycosylation 2012 Kazuo Takahashi, Archer D. Smith, IV, Knud Poulsen, Mogens Kilian, Bruce A. Julian, Jiri Mestecky, Jan Novak, Matthew B. Renfrow J Proteome Res Reviewed
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Showing 1 to 25 of 137 entries