References (137)

Title Year Authors Journal Status External references Biological Associations
Structures and immunochemical properties of oligosaccharides isolated from pig submaxillary mucins. 1968 Carlson D J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Physical and chemical studies on glycoproteins. II. Isolation and characterization of oligosaccharides from porcine submaxillary glycoproteins. 1968 Katzman RL, Eylar EH Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Structural studies on human erythrocyte glycoproteins. Alkali-labile oligosaccharides. 1969 Thomas D, Winzler R J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Structure of the carbohydrate units of IgA1 immunoglobulin. II. Stucture of the O-glycosidically linked oligosaccharide units. 1974 Baenziger J, Kornfeld S J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Immunochemical and chemical investigations of the structure of glycoprotein fragments obtained from epiglycanin, a glycoprotein at the surface of the TA3-Ha cancer cell. 1975 Codington J, Linsley K, Jeanlot R Carbohydr Res Reviewed
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Intestinal glycoproteins of germfree rats. IV. Oligosaccharides obtained by chemical degradation of a water-soluble glycoprotein fraction. 1975 Wold J, Smestad B, Midtvedt T Acta Chem Scand B Reviewed
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Immunochemical studies on blood groups. Immunochemical properties of B-active and non-B-active blood group substances from horse gastric mucosae and the relative size distributions of oligosaccharides liberated by base-borohydride. 1976 Newman W, Kabat E Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Immunochemical studies on blood groups. Structures and immunochemical properties of oligosaccharides from two fractions of blood group substance from human ovarian cyst fluid differing in B, I, and i activities and reactivity toward concanavalin A. 1976 Maisonrouge-McAuliffe F, Kabat E Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Chemical structure of epiglycanin, the major glycoprotein of the TA3-Ha ascites cell. The carbohydrate chains. 1979 van den Eijnden D, Evans N, Codington J, Reinhold V, Silber C, Jeanloz R J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Glycoproteins and blood group activity. Oligosaccharides of A+ hog submaxillary glycoproteins. 1979 Aminoff D, Baig MM, Gathmann WD J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Glycoproteins and blood group activity. Isolation and characterization of oligosaccharides of H+ hog submaxillary glycoprotein, and their comparison to those found in A+ and A-H- glycoproteins. 1979 Aminoff D, Gathmann WD, Baig MM J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Occurrence of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate in proteinase I from Dictyostelium discoideum. 1980 Gustafson G, Milner L J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Structural studies on cutinase, a glycoprotein containing novel amino acids and glucuronic acid amide at the N terminus. 1980 Lin T, Kolattukudy P Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Structure determination of oligosaccharides isolated from A+, H+ and A-H- hog-submaxillary-gland mucin glycoproteins, by 360-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy, permethylation analysis and mass spectrometry. 1981 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Haverkamp J, Veldink G, Vliegenthart J, Fournet B, Ricart G, Montreuil J, Gathmann W, Aminoff D Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Characterization of novel amino acid fucosides. 1981 Klinger M, Laine R, Steiner S J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Isolation and characterization of mosquito cell membrane glycoproteins. 1981 Butters T, Hughes R Biochim Biophys Acta Reviewed
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Structure of O-glycosidically linked sugar units from plasma membranes of an ascites hepatoma, AH 66. 1982 Funakoshi I, Yamashina I J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Biosynthesis of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides of the low density lipoprotein receptor. 1983 Cummings R, Kornfeld S, Schneider W, Hobgood K, Tolleshaug H, Brown M, Goldstein J J Biol Chem Reviewed
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The combination of normal-phase and reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography with NMR for the isolation and characterization of oligosaccharide alditols from ovarian cyst mucins. 1984 Dua V, Dube V, Bush C Biochim Biophys Acta Reviewed
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Structural studies on the O-glycosidically linked carbohydrate chains of glucoamylase G1 from Aspergillus niger. 1984 Gunnarsson A, Svensson B, Nilsson B, Svensson S Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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O beta-(N-acetyl-alpha-glucosamine-1-phosphoryl)serine in proteinase I from Dictyostelium discoideum. 1984 Gustafson G, Gander J Methods Enzymol Reviewed
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Topography and polypeptide distribution of terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues on the surfaces of intact lymphocytes. Evidence for O-linked GlcNAc. 1984 Torres C, Hart G J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Structural analysis of the O-glycosidically linked core-region oligosaccharides of human meconium glycoproteins which express oncofoetal antigens. 1985 Hounsell EF, Lawson AM, Feeney J, Gooi HC, Pickering NJ, Stoll MS, Lui SC, Feizi T Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Characterization of the oligosaccharide alditols from ovarian cyst mucin glycoproteins of blood group A using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high field 1H NMR spectroscopy. 1986 Dua VK, Rao BN, Wu SS, Dube VE, Bush CA J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Carbohydrate structures of bovine submaxillary mucin. 1986 Tsuji T, Osawa T Carbohydr Res Reviewed
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Showing 1 to 25 of 137 entries