References (982)

Title Year Authors Journal Status External references Biological Associations
c-Myc is glycosylated at threonine 58, a known phosphorylation site and a mutational hot spot in lymphomas. 1995 Chou T, Hart G, Dang C J Biol Chem Reviewed
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[Sialic acid containing compounds in the hemofiltrate of patients with chronic renal insufficiency. II. Isolation and structure determination of sialoglycopeptides] 1987 Weisshaar G, Baumann W, Friebolin H, Brunner H, Mann H, Sieberth H, Opferkuch H Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler Reviewed
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Xylose-containing common structural unit in N-linked oligosaccharides of laccase from sycamore cells. 1986 Takahashi N, Hotta T, Ishihara H, Mori M, Tejima S, Bligny R, Akazawa T, Endo S, Arata Y Biochemistry Reviewed
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X-ray crystallography and mass spectroscopy reveal that the N-lobe of human transferrin expressed in Pichia pastoris is folded correctly but is glycosylated on serine-32. 1999 Bewley M, Tam B, Grewal J, He S, Shewry S, Murphy M, Mason A, Woodworth R, Baker E, MacGillivray R Biochemistry Reviewed
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X-ray crystal structure and characterization of halide-binding sites of human myeloperoxidase at 1.8 A resolution. 2000 Fiedler T, Davey C, Fenna R J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Virus-Receptor Interactions of Glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human ACE2 Receptor 2020 Peng Zhao, Jeremy L. Praissman, Oliver C. Grant, Yongfei Cai, Tianshu Xiao, Katelyn E. Rosenbalm, Kazuhiro Aoki, Benjamin P. Kellman, Robert Bridger, Dan H. Barouch, Melinda A. Brindley, Nathan E. Lewis, Michael Tiemeyer, Bing Chen, Robert J. Woods, Lance Wells Cell Host Microbe Reviewed
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Virion basic phosphoprotein from human cytomegalovirus contains O-linked N-acetylglucosamine. 1988 Benko D, Haltiwanger R, Hart G, Gibson W Proc Natl Acad Sci USA Reviewed
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Vertebrate lens alpha-crystallins are modified by O-linked N-acetylglucosamine. 1992 Roquemore E, Dell A, Morris H, Panico M, Reason A, Savoy L, Wistow G, Zigler J, Earles B, Hart G J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Variation of the glycosylation of human pancreatic bile-salt-dependent lipase. 1993 Mas E, Abouakil N, Roudani S, Franc J, Montreuil J, Lombardo D Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Variable domain-linked oligosaccharides of a human monoclonal IgG: structure and influence on antigen binding. 1999 Leibiger H, Wstner D, Stigler R, Marx U Biochem J Reviewed
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Urinary oligosaccharides of fucosidosis. Evidence of the occurrence of X-antigenic determinant in serum-type sugar chains of glycoproteins. 1978 Nishigaki M, Yamashita K, Matsuda I, Arashima S, Kobata A J Biochem (Tokyo) Reviewed
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Unusual N-glycosylation of a recombinant human erythropoietin expressed in a human lymphoblastoid cell line does not alter its biological properties. 2000 Cointe D, Bliard R, Jorieux S, Leroy Y, Glacet A, Verbert A, Bourel D, Chirat F Glycobiology Reviewed
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Unique structure of glycopeptide from alpha-fetoprotein produced in human hepatoma cell line, as determined by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 1990 Terrana B, Tecce M, Manetti R, Ceccarini C, Lamba D, Segre A Clin Chem Reviewed
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Unequivocal evidence for a beta-D-configuration of the galactose residue in the disaccharide chain of epiglycanin, the major glycoprotein of the TA3-Ha tumor cell. 1979 Codington J, Yamazaki T, van den Eijnden D, Evans N, Jeanloz R FEBS Lett Reviewed
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Tyrosine derivatization and preparative purification of the sialyl and asialy-N-linked oligosaccharides from porcine fibrinogen. 1994 Da Silva M, Tamura T, McBroom T, Rice K Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Typing of core and backbone domains of mucin-type oligosaccharides from human ovarian-cyst glycoproteins by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. 1986 Mutsaers J, van Halbeek H, Vliegenthart J, Wu A, Kabat E Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Two-dimensional chromatography in the analysis of complex glycans from transferrin. 1998 Charlwood J, Birrell H, Tolson D, Camilleri P Anal Chem Reviewed
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Transfection with fragments of the adenovirus 12 gene induces tumorigenicity-associated alteration of N-linked sugar chains in rat cells. 1990 Hiraizumi S, Takasaki S, Shiroki K, Kochibe N, Kobata A Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Toward robust N-glycomics of various tissue samples that may contain glycans with unknown or unexpected structures. 2021 Suzuki N, Abe T, Hanzawa K, Natsuka S Experimentia Reviewed
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Topography and polypeptide distribution of terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues on the surfaces of intact lymphocytes. Evidence for O-linked GlcNAc. 1984 Torres C, Hart G J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Tongue Cancer Patients Can be Distinguished from Healthy Controls by Specific N-Glycopeptides Found in Serum. 2018 Mayank Saraswat, Antti Mäkitie, Tiialotta Tohmola, Amy Dickinson, Shruti Saraswat, Sakari Joenväärä, Suvi Renkonen Proteomics Clin Appl Reviewed
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Tissue plasminogen activator has an O-linked fucose attached to threonine-61 in the epidermal growth factor domain. 1991 Harris R, Leonard C, Guzzetta A, Spellman M Biochemistry Reviewed
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Three-dimensional elution mapping of pyridylaminated N-linked neutral and sialyl oligosaccharides. 1995 Takahashi N, Nakagawa H, Fujikawa K, Kawamura Y, Tomiya N Anal Biochem Reviewed
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Three novel oligosaccharides with the sialyl-Lea structure in human milk: isolation by immunoaffinity chromatography. 1989 Kitagawa H, Nakada H, Kurosaka A, Hiraiwa N, Numata Y, Fukui S, Funakoshi I, Kawasaki T, Yamashina I, Shimada I Biochemistry Reviewed
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The widespread effect of beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase on N-glycan processing 2001 Fukuta, Abe, Yokomatsu, Minowa, Takeuchi, Asanagi, Makino Arch Biochem Biophys Reviewed
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Showing 1 to 25 of 982 entries