References (982)

Title Year Authors Journal Status External references Biological Associations
Chemical structure of epiglycanin, the major glycoprotein of the TA3-Ha ascites cell. The carbohydrate chains. 1979 van den Eijnden D, Evans N, Codington J, Reinhold V, Silber C, Jeanloz R J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Glycosylation sites and site-specific glycosylation in human Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein. 1999 van Rooijen J, Voskamp A, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Glycobiology Reviewed
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Sulfated di-, tri- and tetraantennary N-glycans in human Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein. 1998 van Rooijen J, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Expression of N-linked sialyl Le(x) determinants and O-glycans in the carbohydrate moiety of human amniotic fluid transferrin during pregnancy. 1998 van Rooijen J, Jeschke U, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Glycobiology Reviewed
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Structural analysis of O-glycosidic type of sialyloligosaccharide-alditols derived from urinary glycopeptides of a sialidosis patient. 1988 van Pelt J, Van Bilsen D, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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A comparative study of sialyloligosaccharides isolated from sialidosis and galactosialidosis urine. 1991 van Pelt J, Kamerling J, Bakker H, Vliegenthart J J Inherit Metab Dis Reviewed
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Sialyl-alpha 2-6-mannosyl-beta 1-4-N-acetylglucosamine, a novel compound occurring in urine of patients with beta-mannosidosis. 1990 van Pelt J, Dorland L, Duran M, Hokke C, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Primary structure of the acidic carbohydrate chain of hemocyanin from Panulirus interruptus 1987 van Kuik JA, Breg J, Kolsteeg CEM, Kamerling JP, Vliegenthart JFG FEBS Lett Reviewed
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Primary structure of the low-molecular-weight carbohydrate chains of Helix pomatia alpha-hemocyanin. Xylose as a constituent of N-linked oligosaccharides in an animal glycoprotein. 1985 van Kuik J, van Halbeek H, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Isolation and structural characterization of novel neutral oligosaccharide-alditols from respitatory-mucus glycoproteins of a patient suffering from bronchiectasis. 2. Structure of twelve hepta-to-nonasaccharide, six of which possess the GlcNAc beta(1----3)[Gal beta(1----4)GlcNAc beta(1----6)]Gal be 1991 van Kuik J, de Waard P, Vliegenthart J, Klein A, Carnoy C, Lamblin G, Roussel P Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Primary structure of the neutral carbohydrate chains of hemocyanin from Panulirus interruptus 1986 van Kuik J, Van Halbeek H, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Primary structure determination of seven novel N-linked carbohydrate chains derived from hemocyanin of Lymnaea stagnalis. 3-O-methyl-D-galactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine as constituents of xylose-containing N-linked oligosaccharides in an animal glycoprotein. 1987 van Kuik J, Sijbesma R, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J, Wood E Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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A 500-MHz 1H-NMR study on the N-linked carbohydrate chain of bromelain. 1986 van Kuik J, Hoffmann R, Mutsaers J, Van Halbeek H, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J Glycoconj J Reviewed
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Structures of monosialyl oligosaccharides isolated from the respiratory mucins of a non-secretor (O, Lea+b-) patient suffering from chronic bronchitis. Characterization of a novel type of mucin carbohydrate core structure. 1994 van Halbeek H, Strang A, Lhermitte M, Rahmoune H, Lamblin G, Roussel P Glycobiology Reviewed
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Terminal alpha (1 leads to 4)-linked N-acetylglucosamine: a characteristic constituent of duodenal-gland mucous glycoproteins in rat and pig. A high-resolution 1H-NMR study. 1983 van Halbeek H, Gerwig G, Vliegenthart J, Smits H, Van Kerkhof P, Kramer M Biochim Biophys Acta Reviewed
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The application of 500-MHz H-NMR spectroscopy for the structure elucidation of N-acetyllactosamine type asparagine-bound carbohydrate chains of glycoproteins. 1980 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Schmid K, Montreuil J, Fournet B, Hull W FEBS Lett Reviewed
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Characterization of the microheterogeneity in glycoproteins by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy of glycopeptide preparations. Application to a monofucosylated tetra-antennary glycopeptide fraction from human plasma alpha 1-acid glycoprotein. 1981 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Montreuil J, Fournet B, Schmid K J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Characterization of the primary structure and the microheterogeneity of the carbohydrate chains of porcine blood-group H substance by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. 1982 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Kochetkov N, Arbatsky N, Derevitskaya V Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Primary-structure determination of fourteen neutral oligosaccharides derived from bronchial-mucus glycoproteins of patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, employing 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. 1982 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Hull W, Lamblin G, Lhermitte M, Boersma A, Roussel P Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Structural characterization of a novel acidic oligosaccharide unit derived from cow colostrum kappa-casein. A 500 MHz 1H-NMR study. 1981 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Fiat A, Jolls P FEBS Lett Reviewed
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A 360-MHz 1H-NMR study of three oligosaccharides isolated from cow kappa-casein. 1980 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Vliegenthart J, Fiat A, Jolles P Biochim Biophys Acta Reviewed
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Structure determination of oligosaccharides isolated from A+, H+ and A-H- hog-submaxillary-gland mucin glycoproteins, by 360-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy, permethylation analysis and mass spectrometry. 1981 van Halbeek H, Dorland L, Haverkamp J, Veldink G, Vliegenthart J, Fournet B, Ricart G, Montreuil J, Gathmann W, Aminoff D Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Isolation and structural characterization of low-molecular-mass monosialyl oligosaccharides derived from respiratory-mucus glycoproteins of a patient suffering from bronchiectasis. 1988 van Halbeek H, Breg J, Vliegenthart J, Klein A, Lamblin G, Roussel P Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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The immunologically reactive O-linked polysaccharide chains derived from circulating cathodic antigen isolated from the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni have Lewis x as repeating unit. 1994 van Dam G, Bergwerff A, Thomas-Oates J, Rotmans J, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J, Deelder A Eur J Biochem Reviewed
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Structure determination by 1H NMR spectroscopy of (sulfated) sialylated N-linked carbohydrate chains released from porcine thyroglobulin by peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase-F. 1991 de Waard P, Koorevaar A, Kamerling J, Vliegenthart J J Biol Chem Reviewed
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Showing 1 to 25 of 982 entries